Wills are a very useful way of finding out information about people who lived in the village. They are often accompanied by an inventory of the goods that the person owned at the time of their death. Below is the will and inventory of Thomas Powell who lived in Pembridge in the 17th century.
THE WILL of THOMAS POWELL. (22nd. May, 1685)
In the name of God Amen The twenty second day of May 1685
In the first year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne James of England etc.
I Thomas Powell of Pembridge in the diocese and County of
Hereford being sicke and weake in body, but of sound and perfect
memory (praise be given to God for the same) and knowing the un-
-certainty of this life on earth, and being desirous to settle things In
order, doe make this my last will and Testament In maner and form
following; That is to say first and principally I Commend my soul to
Almighty God my Creator, assuredly beleiving that I shall Receive
ful pardon and free Remission of all my sins, and be saved by the
precious death & merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ
Jesus, and my body to the earth, from whence it was taken, to be buried
in such decent and Christian man(n)er, as to my executor hereafter
named shall bee thought meet and Convenient. And as touching
such worldly estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me, my will
and meaning is, the same shall be lmployed and bestowed as
hereafter by this my will is expressed first l give unto Thomas
the sone of Thomas Prosser of Burton and p’ish of Eardisland
the some of twenty shillings to be paid him Item I give unto
Jane Powell my wife all goods Chattels Implements of
Houshold bills bonds debts due to me the said Thomas Powell
Item l do Make and Appoint my wife Jane Powell
executor of this my last will and testament In witnesse
‘Hereof l have put my hand and seal the day and yeare
above written
Thomas Bryan The mark
The mark of Stephen Croone of Thomas Powell
Thomas Bengough Jun.
Hereford dyocesse
A true & p(er)fect Inventory of all & singular the goods Chattels cattells & debts of Thomas Powell, day laborer late of the p(ar)ish of Pembridge within the County & dyocesse of Hereford deceased had taken & apparised by us whose names are hereunto subscribed the sixth day of July in the first year of the reign of James II of England 1685
Impr(imis) the deceaseds wearing apparell ——— Xs (10s.)
Item brassw & pewter ———–———————- VIIIs (8s.)
Ite. Lynnen of all sorts ————– —————– Xs (10s.)
Ite. 2 fether Bedds bolsters bedstedds
& other materialls thereunto belonging —- XXXs (30s.)
Ite. Iron Ware —————————————— XVIIId (18d)
Ite. benches tresseles chests coffers
& other wooden ware ————————— Vs (5s.)
Ite. one pigg ——————————————- lIls..IIIId. (3s.4d)
lte. sperate & desp’ate debts due to
the deceased ————————————- £XlI (£12)
£XV VlIIs Xd
(£15 8s 10d)
Apprized by us the day &
yeare above ment(i)oned
Stephen Croone
his mark
James Croone
Tho. Bengough Sen(ior).