We’ve mentioned previously the Trafford Alms Houses, paid for by a bequest by Thomas Trafford and his wife Alice. Thomas Trafford was the Rector of Pembridge from 1667 until 1685. He was probably born around 1630 and educated as a Doctor of Divinity in Cambridge.
He married Alice, the daughter of William Sherbourne, who was also a Rector of Pembridge. He died in 1685 and has a memorial tablet in the Chancel. It is written in Latin and although we have a transcription we would be very grateful if anyone could provide a translation. The last few lines on the tablet have ben identified as being taken from Isaiah 57 V 1-2:
The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.

Thomas Trafford’s Memorial in Pembridge Church
The transcript of his memorial is as as follows, although is is worn and may have errors in places
H:S:E Thomas Traford S:T:P
Ex. antiqua familia in Agro Cestrens
Cantabriga educatus
Vt Ingenio Theologiam ingeniumg Theologia
De Ecclesia Anglicanaa bene meruit
Quia bene effuleivit
Haereticorum Iras contempsit & fugavit
Nunquam felix
Nisi Parodnanes fdiciores docendo redderet
Non Aurum Sed corum Ammas ae quisivit
Regni & Regis inimicos
Hostili odio prosequutus;
Ideo Hostis.
Quid Hostibus dissimilis
Alijs Herefordiensi Lectione Vitani tribuit
Suam amisit
Fallor ron amisit Sed mutavit
In Meliorem
Viccsimo di Decembri Annog Domini
1685 Aftatis Suic 59
Isaiah 57 V 1-2
Iustus Peuit
Et non est qui recogitet in Corde Suo
Et Viri miscricordiae Colliguntur
Quia non est qui intelligat
A facis anim nialitiae olledtus est Iustis
Venial Pax reque??t Cubili Suo
Qui ambulavit in directione Sira
In his will he left the majority of is belongings to his wife Alice Trafford and property in Chester to his mother. He also left £10 to be invested and the interest given as bread to the poor of Pembridge who attend Church on Good Friday.
Will of Thomas Trafford
In the name of God Amen
I Thomas Trafford Rector of Pembridge the County of Herefordshire this the eighteenth day of June in the out and thirtyeth yeare of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles the second of England Scotland ? and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seventy nine being in health of body and soundness of mind and perfect understanding doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprius I bequeath my soule into the hands of my great Creator who first gave it me and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buryed at the direction of my ? hereafter named hopeing in a joyfull resurrection to eternal life through the merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour And for my Worldly estate which God hath given to me I thus before it bestow it
First I give devise and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Alice Trafford my two tenements with the appurtenances in Kington now in the posession of Thomas Arnold my Tenant which I lately purchased of Thomas Addys of Kingsland to have and to hold to her the said Alice my wife and to her heirs forever
item I give devise and bequeath unto my said wife Alice Trafford all that Messuage and Tenenment with the Lands thereuntobelonging with all ites appurtenances and which I lately the purchased of Barnaby Traniter lying and being in Lyonshall unto her the saidAlice my wife and to her heirs forever
Item I give devise and bequeath unto my well beloved mother Mrs Dorothy Banner alll my Lands lying in the Township of great Saughall in the County of Chester which were heretofore purchased by my predessors from out Richard Speuer with all their appurtenauts to her my said Mother during her natural life and after her decease I give devise and bequeath the said Lands to wellbeloved kinsman William Greene of Willasson in the County of Chester to him the said William and his heirs forever
item I give devise and bequeath unto to my Mother Mrs Dorothy Banner my house in the Watergate street in Chester now in the possession of one John ? my tenant to have and to hold to her the said Dorothy and and her heirs forever Item I give devise and between unto my aforesaid Mother Dorothy Banner my house in the Abby Court near the Cathedral Church in Chester to have and to hold to Her my said Mother during natural life And if it please God that my wife Alice Trafford survive her my will is that she hold it During the reminder of the Lease which is for her life which I give and bequeath to her
And whereas my two tenements in Stoke in the County of Chester both in the possession of Timothy Barker are both assigned over to my Mother during her life my will for the disposallof them after her decease is ? I give devise and bequeath all that Messauge and Tenement with its appurtenances to ? was heretofore Mr Banners unto my welbeloved wife Alice Trafford to have andto hold after my Mothers decease during her life And after her decease I give it to my ? William Greene and his heirs for theremainder of the lease
It. I give devise and the bequeath the other tenement with its apputenances being neare the Church unto to the above said William Greene heirs or Assigns after my Mothers decease
It. I give all those goods that I have in Cheshire to be absolutely at my mothers disposall
It. I given to the parish of Pembridge the sume of Tenne pounds to be put out to interest which interest I order to be disposed every yearly to be distributed in bread to poore people which shall be at the Church on good friday this routine forever
lastly all the rest my good chattells bonds and debts I give unto my dearly beloved wife Alice Trafford who I make my sole heir of this my last Will and Testament renouncing all other former Wills whatsoever In witness whereof of I have hereunto putt my hand and and seale the day and yeare above written. Tho: Trafford ? signed and published in the presence of us Essex Sherbourne William Higgins ? Morgan
his mark.